Tag Archives: empowerment

The animating bug spreads …

No, this isn’t a public health warning. More MMU staff are getting engaged in animating. Julia Robinson, Senior Lecturer in Psychology, attended a conference last Saturday. The conference was: Social Justice: Towards a Model of Personal and Collective Empowerment and you can find out more here.


Having got the animating bug from seeing an animation I made at a party, Julia developed an animation for her presentation called:  ‘Working at the Interface of Community and Counselling Psychology’. Here is the animation:

Julia told me: ‘One of my aims was to encourage delegates to think community psychologically in their formulation of client problems and in the planning of their intervention. Presenting a fictitious client story (case study) through animation, proved to be a powerful way to communicate a sense of the whole person beyond the usual text-based representation.The task accompanying the animation was the following:

Listen to the client story.What information is missing? Using the resources you have been introduced to today, try and develop a formulation. What interventions would you plan?

I felt that the application of GoAnimate in this instance, stimulated much discussion around both material and discursive issues pertaining to psychological practice. I hope to develop my skills in using it as a training tool.’

Animation can be used in many ways, and as we keep sharing our ideas, they keep developing. We are about to purchase an educational licence for go-animate to support working with students to develop animations. Watch out for a blog post when we get the licence.